Python 3.12 Alpha 6 Released

Written by Peter Steele

April 4, 2023

Categories: Tech News
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Python 3.12.0 Alpha 6 Released: A Sneak Peek at the Upcoming Changes

Python, the popular high-level programming language, has released the sixth alpha version of Python 3.12, giving developers a preview of the upcoming changes. The new release is available for download from the official Python website.

What’s New in Python 3.12.0 Alpha 6?

As an early developer preview, Python 3.12 alpha 6 offers a glimpse of the changes and improvements in store for the language. Here are some of the major new features and changes that have been implemented so far:

  • Improved Error Messages: Python 3.12 provides even better error messages, with more exceptions suggesting solutions to users for typos.
  • Linux perf Profiler Support: The latest version includes support for the Linux perf profiler to report Python function names in traces.
  • Removal of Deprecated Features: Python 3.12 has removed several deprecated modules, methods, and classes, including wstr and wstr_length members, smtpd and distutils modules, and others.
  • String Backslash Escape Sequences: Invalid backslash escape sequences in strings now warn with SyntaxWarning instead of DeprecationWarning, making them more visible.
  • Internal Representation of Integers: Python 3.12 has changed the internal representation of integers to prepare for performance enhancements.

What’s Next for Python 3.12?

Python 3.12 is still in the development phase, with one more alpha release planned before the beta phase starts in May 2023. During the alpha phase, new features may still be added, and existing ones may be modified or removed, so developers should use caution before incorporating the new features into production environments.

For more details on the changes in Python 3.12, visit the “What’s New in Python 3.12” page on the Python website. If you think an important feature is missing from the list, you can inform the core developers. The next pre-release of Python 3.12, 3.12.0a7, is scheduled for release on April 3, 2023.


source: Python Blog

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Peter Steele

Peter Steele

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I am a father of 2, happily married and I also love to game! I started this site as a way to pass on what I have learned as a software engineer. Hopefully I can pass on some knowledge to those seeking it and make someone's life just a little better. Happy coding!

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